Slip & Fall
Property owners have a duty to keep their visitors safe from hazards on their property. When a property owner fails to warn visitors of the dangers on their land, and they sustain an injury, the premise owner could be held liable for damages.
If you or a loved one slipped, tripped, and fell on another’s property, a diligent attorney could help you hold the property owner accountable in court. Ballesteros Law could help injured claimants seek compensation following an accident. Reach out to us to discuss your legal rights and options.
How a Slip and Fall Accident Could Occur?
Trip and fall accidents are extremely common. Any condition on land that could cause a visitor to lose their footing could be the source of a slip and fall accident. Common examples include:
Standing water
Loose carpeting and floorboards
Improperly secured hand railings
Broken steps
Cluttered floors
Spilled liquid
Slips and falls can lead to deceptively serious injuries. A short trip to the ground may be all that is necessary to break a bone, snap a ligament, or cause severe head trauma.
The purpose of a slip and fall accident claim is to collect the payments needed to set things right. Following a slip and fall collision, the injured party may be able to recover compensation for medical bills, lost wages, pain, and suffering, as well as loss of enjoyment of life. Ballesteros Law could help individuals to evaluate their losses and demand appropriate compensation.
Determining Fault Following an Accident
Most slip and fall cases require you to prove that the property owner was negligent in order to recover damages. In California, this means you have to show that the property owner failed to exercise reasonable care in keeping the premises reasonably safe or failed to warn of dangers that were known or knowable.
In order to establish that a property owner or possessor knew of a dangerous condition, it must be shown that:
The owner/possessor created the condition;
The owner/possessor knew the condition existed and negligently failed to correct it; or
The condition existed for such a length of time that the owner/possessor should have discovered and corrected it prior to the slip and fall incident in question.
For a property owner or possessor to be held liable, it must have been foreseeable that his negligence would create the danger at issue. It’s not always clear whether a property owner has exercised “reasonable care” to keep the premises “reasonably safe.” In general, a property owner is held to a reasonable person standard. Ballesteros Law could help to demonstrate that a visitor had rights under the law and that a property owner’s failure to keep them safe was the primary cause of the slip and fall.
Seek Help from Ballesteros Law
A slip and fall accident could cause severe injuries, emotional trauma, and serious financial burdens. Fortunately, you do not need to handle your case alone.
The Ballesteros Law could handle the legal aspects of your case while you focus on your recovery. They can evaluate your rights under the law, determine how a property owner may have failed to keep you safe and advocate on your behalf to help you seek compensation. Contact us today to discuss your case.